Module One
Incident Scene Management
This is usually presented by operationally experienced, Firefighters and focuses on on how to ensure the safety of responders, the fallen rider and anyone else involved in offering first aid, as well as advice on alerting the emergency services. It takes the form of a dynamic and simple powerpoint presentation, backed up by impactful first hand experience of managing Road Traffic Collisions, delivered by the people who do this professionally!
Module Two
Casualty Care/Helmet Removal
This element is delivered by qualified Life Support Instructors looks at dealing specifically with motorcycle-related first aid including typical trauma and mechanism of injury to legs, dealing with major bleeds and basic life support, CPR, managing spinal injuries and crash helmet removal. It includes both practical demonstrations and the opportunity for the student to 'have a go' themselves!
Module Three
The Thinking Biker
This Module looks at the way the brain interprets data sent by the eye so that what’s visible isn’t always seen, examining phenomena such as motion camouflage, saccadic masking and looming, and offers some positive advice on how to make the most of our chances of being seen. It puts the point over quite clearly that hi-vis clothing, day riding lights and retro-reflective materials don’t guarantee we’ll be seen by other road users! This is delivered using a film produced by Biker Down North America, which is followed up with an open discussion on the points raised in the video. Informative and interesting and may just challenge some of your previously held views!